Published on 11:20 AM | by MetruCub
0CubicMetre and A.T.U. elaborate the Cultural Strategy of Timisoara for 2014-2024
The consortium of CubicMetre Association – resources for culture and the Association for Urban Transition (A.T.U.) will prepare for the Municipality of Timisoara the city’s cultural strategy for 2014-2024 and organize three debates on relevant topics for the city’s candidacy for the European Cultural Capital title in 2021. The strategy represents a public policy document that will offer the guidelines for the cultural development of Timişoara for the next 10 years.
Between February – September 2014, MetruCub Association and A.T.U. will carry out in Timisoara an analysis of the local and regional cultural life and will facilitate the consultation processes in order to elaborate the long term strategy of the city in the cultural field. The vision on the role of culture in the city life and on culture as such promoted by the consortium is coherent with the perspectives and values of the project Poles of cultures – Cultural policy as a Tool for Community and Regional Development, in the frame of which this contract is implemented. As such, the process of formulation of the strategy will have a democratic, integrative and intersectorial character, counting on the participation of public authorities, cultural institutions, as well as private cultural operators, NGOs and entrepreneurs. The project team sees culture as an agent of the quality of life and welfare growth, a social inclusion and sustainable territorial development instrument.
By using a methodology that is inclusive and focuses on a clear connection with the realities of cultural life, as well as with the ideals and economic and social needs of the cultural actors, the consortium aims to consolidate the dialogue between the organizations directly involved in the creative and cultural process and those who support the cultural vitality of the city: the media, the academic environment, citizens, informal groups active in the social life, organizations of ethnic minorities, youth and environmental organizations.
The process of formulating the strategy implies the consultation of the cultural sector, the citizens and the above mentioned categories, through a series of thematic focus groups and a workshop on participative planning. The three conferences organized in April, June and September will bring into discussion the cultural and artistic dynamic of the city in relation with the principles of participative democracy, with the urban planning and community development, as well as with the territorial dimension of the programme of the European Capital of Culture 2021.
Team of experts: Raluca Pop – project manager and expert in cultural policies and cultural management; Vera Marin – expert in strategic planning and urban planning; Dragoş Neamu – expert in cultural heritage, urban regeneration, urban culture and creative industries; Cristina Modreanu – expert in performing arts, animation and festivals; Ioana Tamaş – communication coordinator and expert in cultural policies and cultural management. Consultants: Liviana Dan – visual arts; Felicia Secoşan – music; Levente Kozma – experimental art, new media.
Title of the contract:
Development of the cultural strategy for Timisoara, organization of 3 conferences on the subject of European Capital of Culture
Beneficiary: The Municipality of Timisoara
Contract concluded in the framework ot the cross-border project „Poles of Culture – Cultural Policy as a Tool for Community and Regional Development”, developed by the Intercultural Institute Timisoara, as leading partner, together with the Municipality of Timişoara (Timişoara City Hall), City of Zrenjanin (Serbia), City of Pancevo (Serbia), Civic Parliament Vrsac (Serbia). The project is financed by the European Union’s Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), the Cross-border Component and co-financed by the partner states of the Programme: Romania and Republic of Serbia, Priority Axis 3 – Promoting “People To People” Exchanges, Measure 2 – Improving local governance in relation to the provision of local services to communities in the border areas.
Contact person: Ioana Tamaş, communication coordinator