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Culture in education

Published on 12:11 PM | by MetruCub


Culture in education – an initiative for access to culture in Romanian schools

The project Culture in education aims to support the development of cultural programmes with an educational dimension in Romania. We think that there are some strong benefits in taking part in cultural activities from a young age, and that for each individual and community it is important to accumulate a relevant cultural capital in a critical manner. We wish to bring culture in the lives of as many Romanian children and young people as possible, through direct encounters with artists and other culture professionals, through contact with the arts and heritage. These encounters need to take place where children are learning and living and we challenge both the cultural operators and the schools to imagine and develop programmes and activities which are adapted to the context of culture in education. We are inspired by international programmes such as the Cultural Rucksack from Norway and we plan to learn from their portfolio covering over 10 years of activities. We set to support artists and cultural organizations to develop their audiences, and we encourage teachers to explore how they can best reach educational objectives through creative partnerships.

From November 2014 to April 2016 we will train cultural and educational professionals from across the country, we will debate and share information about legislation, procedures, methods and techniques, daring projects, policy priorities.We will elaborate and publish studies and analysis about the potential of culture in education and we will talk to public authorities about how we can work together to bring quality programmes of cultural activities in schools.

Culture in education is coordinated by the Association CubicMetre – resources for culture and developed in partnership with “Sintagma” Centre for Education and Training, Gabriela Tudor Foundation, the Foundation for an Open Society, and the National University of Theatre and Film “I.L. Caragiale”.


We want to develop the needed competences to create cultural projects in schools with support from cultural and educational organizations, through training sessions and informal discussion on a variety of themes related to the subject of culture in educational settings.

We want to better understand the reasons and dynamics of involvement of the cultural sector in activities that target children, youth and schools, and the potential for development of strategic programmes of culture in education in Romania, through studies, analysis and mappings regarding the evolution and the current status of art activities integrated in the educational offer in Romania, while at the same time having a comparative look at similar international initiatives.

We want to develop a professional training network that will bring together professionals in education which are interested to know more about the potential of cultural activities in the lives of children and young people, and cultural professionals, eager to become involved in the education of youth.

We want to support an advocacy community for culture in education, by bringing together specialists and practitioners, who understand the stakes of inter-sectorial policies in culture and education.

We want to influence public decision-making regarding culture in education and the possibilities to develop better strategic programmes in this field, through newsletters, policy recommendations and in the frame of an event dedicated to a constructive dialogue between public authorities, members of the culture in education network and international experts.

We want to contribute to having more sustainable cultural organisation, with a diversified panel of activities, in the sense of collaborative projects of culture in education thanks to the networking and training session that they benefited from.

For further information, please contact:
Raluca Iacob-Pop
Project coordinator

Project financed by the EEA grants 2009 – 2014, through the NGO Fund in Romania.
The contents of this material does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA grants 2009 – 2014. The whole responsibility for the correctness and the coherence of the information presented rests with the initiators of the website.
For official information on the EEA and Norway grants visit

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About the Author

MetruCub – resurse pentru cultură este o asociaţie înfiinţată în anul 2012 cu scopul de a funcţiona ca o platformă de întâlnire, dezbatere şi expertiză pentru profesioniştii din domeniul cultural – artistic. MetruCub îşi propune să exploreze, să sprijine şi să dezvolte sectorul cultural prin studii de specialitate, prin proiecte interdisciplinare şi prin crearea unui context în care artişti, operatori culturali, cercetători şi autorităţi să se poată întâlni şi comunica. Credem în rolul important al artei şi culturii în dezvoltarea fiecărui individ şi a societăţii în ansamblu şi pledăm pentru un management cultural profesionist şi o fundamentare obiectivă şi democratică a politicilor ce vizează domeniul cultural.

3 Responses to Culture in education – an initiative for access to culture in Romanian schools

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