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Cultural strategy of Timișoara

Published on 12:49 PM | by MetruCub


Timisoara is the first Romanian city to develop a long-term cultural strategy

Between February and October 2014, CubicMetre Association – Resources for Culture and the Association for Urban Transition (A.T.U.) have formulated for Timisoara City Hall the Cultural Strategy of Timisoara Municipality 2014-2024, the first long-term cultural strategy of a Romanian city. The strategy was approved by the Timisoara Local Council on Friday, 31st of October 2014 (Decision of the Local Council 535/31.10.2014). It represents a public policy document that will support and guide the development objectives of Timisoara’s cultural sector for the next 10 years.

CubicMetre and A.T.U. team has undergone a vast consultation and participatory planning process, guided by a transversal vision over culture and a sustainable approach based on the potential, needs and capacity of the cultural operators in Timisoara. Culture is regarded throughout the strategy as a form of artistic expression but also as an important factor for development of the city’s social, economic and democratic capital.
The process of formulating the strategy represents in numbers: 319 individuals directly involved in 14 focus-groups, one participatory planning workshop and multiple interviews; 3 debates on themes of European relevance with the participation of professionals from Hungary, France, Spain, Italy/Belgium, Holland, Serbia and Romania; several meetings with local councilors, members of Timisoara European Capital for Culture 2021 Association. Details over the undergone activities are available on the website

The goal of the cultural strategy is the long-term development of the city through culture, highlighting the local dynamics and in cooperation with other cities in Romania, from the region or abroad. The strategy was built around 5 priority axes: Creative Timisoara, Involved Timisoara, Connected Timisoara, Responsible Timisoara and Open Timisoara, the latter as a transversal axis dedicated to good governance in the field of culture. The general objectives and the proposed measures follow this structure and are accompanied by an implementation timeframe, evaluation instruments and indicators, and also responsibilities and roles of the Timisoara City Hall, alongside other organizations and public institutions. The cultural strategy supports the city’s candidacy for the European Capital of Culture 2021 title.

The document can be consulted on the website of Timisoara City Hall. A synthetic version in Romanian, English and Serbian, including information on the quantitative research conducted between October and November 2013 by Alpha Research Company, is available here.

Project team:

Coordination: Raluca Iacob-Pop and Vera Marin

Communication: Ioana Tamaș

Experts: Vera Marin, expert in strategic planning and urbanism; Raluca Pop and Ioana Tamaș, experts in cultural policies and cultural management; Cristina Modreanu, expert in performing arts, animation, festivals; Dragoș Neamu, expert in cultural heritage, urban regeneration, urban culture, creative industries; Vlad Pata, consultant, mapping the industrial spaces with cultural potential; Liviana Dan, consultant visual arts; Andreea Tako-Iager, consultant music; Levente Kozma, consultant for the independent sector, new media.

Manager of the cultural strategy from Timisoara City Hall: Alina Pintilie

Project Coordinator from Timisoara City Hall: Lavinia Simion

Director of the “Poles of Culture” project: Corina Răceanu, Timisoara Intercultural Institute


Further details: Raluca Iacob-Pop,

Title of the contract:
Development of the cultural strategy for Timisoara, organization of 3 conferences on the subject of European Capital of Culture
Beneficiary: The Municipality of Timisoara
Contract concluded in the framework of the cross-border project „Poles of Culture – Cultural Policy as a Tool for Community and Regional Development”, developed by Timisoara Intercultural Institute as leading partner, together with the Municipality of Timişoara (Timişoara City Hall), City of Zrenjanin (Serbia), City of Pancevo (Serbia), Civic Parliament Vrsac (Serbia). The project is financed by the European Union through IPA Program of Cross-border Cooperation Romania – Republic of Serbia, Priority Axis 3 – Promoting exchanges between communities (People To People), Measure 2 – Improving local governance in relation to the provision of local services to communities from border areas.

About the Author

MetruCub – resurse pentru cultură este o asociaţie înfiinţată în anul 2012 cu scopul de a funcţiona ca o platformă de întâlnire, dezbatere şi expertiză pentru profesioniştii din domeniul cultural – artistic. MetruCub îşi propune să exploreze, să sprijine şi să dezvolte sectorul cultural prin studii de specialitate, prin proiecte interdisciplinare şi prin crearea unui context în care artişti, operatori culturali, cercetători şi autorităţi să se poată întâlni şi comunica. Credem în rolul important al artei şi culturii în dezvoltarea fiecărui individ şi a societăţii în ansamblu şi pledăm pentru un management cultural profesionist şi o fundamentare obiectivă şi democratică a politicilor ce vizează domeniul cultural.

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