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Culture in education

Published on 06:21 PM | by MetruCub


Bilingual Publication ”Support culture in education. An initiative for acces to culture for Romanian schools”

In 2013 we traveled to Norway for a study visit dring a mobility program with the aim to discover ways to develop a cultural program in Romania with an educational facet. As a result, we developed Support culture in education , funded by the EEA Grants and the NGO Fund in Romania.

Between 18th and 22nd of April 2016, M3culture had the opportunity to travel again to Norway – Oslo, but this time our aim was to promote the results, activities and impact of Support culture in education and meet potential partners for future projects and programs in the field. The mobility took place during the program ”Culture in education – testing the principles of the Cultural Ruckask in Romania” with the financial support of the NGO Fund in Romania, financed by the EEA Grands and administrated by the Civil Society Development Foundation (CSDF).

This grant we won offered us the opportunity to create the bilingual publication ”Support culture in education. An initiative for acces to culture for Romanian schools”, promoting the principles, activities and results of Culture in Education, a project inspired by the Norwegian Cultural Rucksack program. In order to understand the different solutions which have been undertaken and suited to the Romanian reality, the brochure places in context European trends and Romanian public policy and describes the details of the Culture in Education project: the essential needs of teachers and the way in which cultural operators can cooperate with schools. We conclude with a brief presentation of certain Romanian NGOs involved in the Culture in Education network that develop high quality cultural‑educational projects.
The core team that designed and produced this project is composed of M3—Resources for Culture Association’s members and its partners and is gradually strengthened by a network of researchers, trainers, artists, cultural managers and teachers that participated in the project and made a choice to be more involved and develop new projects inspired by the #cultureineducation experience.

Full text available online în .pdf version in Romanian and English (Click, Save as).

Editors: Diana Ciocan, Irina Bălan, Raluca Iacob
Design: Radu Manelici

CubicMetre – resources for culture, Bucharest 2016


The publication was developed within the mobility project “Culture in Education—Testing the Principles of the Cultural Rucksack in Romania”, implemented with the financial support of the NGO Fund in Romania, programme funded by the EEA grants in Romania and administered by the Civil Society Development Foundation.

About the Author

MetruCub – resurse pentru cultură este o asociaţie înfiinţată în anul 2012 cu scopul de a funcţiona ca o platformă de întâlnire, dezbatere şi expertiză pentru profesioniştii din domeniul cultural – artistic. MetruCub îşi propune să exploreze, să sprijine şi să dezvolte sectorul cultural prin studii de specialitate, prin proiecte interdisciplinare şi prin crearea unui context în care artişti, operatori culturali, cercetători şi autorităţi să se poată întâlni şi comunica. Credem în rolul important al artei şi culturii în dezvoltarea fiecărui individ şi a societăţii în ansamblu şi pledăm pentru un management cultural profesionist şi o fundamentare obiectivă şi democratică a politicilor ce vizează domeniul cultural.

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