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Despre MetruCub

Published on 16:21 | by MetruCub


(English) Tina Reis – the testimonial of an internship at M3culture

Our first international intern, Tina Reis, stayed with us for 3 months of spring in Bucharest. During her internship, Tina started and developed a blog to document and reflect on her experience in Bucharest:

The result of Tina’s research project on precarity in the Romanian Cultural sector was a Policy Brief which can be read on-line here.

„My internship at CubicMetre – resources for culture in Bucharest, Romania from April – June 2016 was an enriching experience that has broadened my horizon culturally, politically and professionally.

CubicMetre‘s president Raluca Iacob allowed to choose a project of my own, which made it possible for me to pursue my interests while at the same time learning to realize a project autonomously. During the three months I stayed in Bucharest, I did research on the relationship between practice and policy and precarious working conditions in the cultural scene, publishing my findings and personal reflections on a blog. Raluca Iacob aided me in gaining access to the cultural scene by putting me in contact with artists, curators and policy makers, advising me on research questions and directions and promoting my writing. I was offered the opportunity to attend conferences and meetings, which I especially appreciated. I was also encouraged to participate in cultural events like exhibitions and theater plays to gain an insight into the local cultural scene that was as comprehensive as possible. During the whole time, both CubicMetre and many of my interlocutors showed great interest in my work and my perspectives on the cultural scene as an “outsider”. One of the most important skills I developed during the internship was to carefully evaluate my findings from different angles, taking into consideration the specific cultural, historical and socio-political context they are part of. In addition to that, I also got to practice basic principles of cultural policy advocacy when I drafted a policy brief based on my research findings. My internship was funded by an Erasmus grant obtained through my home university, Humboldt-University Berlin.

I recommend this internship to anyone who wants to learn about the work of cultural managers and cultural policy, who prefer a high degree of autonomy in their work and who are seeking an opportunity to realize their own project with the help of CubicMetre’s vast network and expertise.”

Thank you, Tina ! It’s been such a delight to have you in our team !


Tina graduated with a B.A. in European Ethnology and Social Sciences from Humboldt-University, Berlin. Her interests lie in cultural memory and heritage, feminism and the role of culture in democracy. In her B.A. thesis she analyzed how visitors related to the memorial for the National Socialist „euthanasia“ killings in Berlin. She has worked in Public Relations and volunteered for a youth organization in Berlin where she organized projects in political education.

About the Author

MetruCub – resurse pentru cultură este o asociaţie înfiinţată în anul 2012 cu scopul de a funcţiona ca o platformă de întâlnire, dezbatere şi expertiză pentru profesioniştii din domeniul cultural – artistic. MetruCub îşi propune să exploreze, să sprijine şi să dezvolte sectorul cultural prin studii de specialitate, prin proiecte interdisciplinare şi prin crearea unui context în care artişti, operatori culturali, cercetători şi autorităţi să se poată întâlni şi comunica. Credem în rolul important al artei şi culturii în dezvoltarea fiecărui individ şi a societăţii în ansamblu şi pledăm pentru un management cultural profesionist şi o fundamentare obiectivă şi democratică a politicilor ce vizează domeniul cultural.

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