Resursele „Cultura în educație” pe site-ul MetruCub
09:31 PM | by MetruCub
Programul „Susține cultura în educație”, care a debutat în 2013 și s-a încheiat în 2018, odată cu ultimele activități dedicate
09:31 PM | by MetruCub
Programul „Susține cultura în educație”, care a debutat în 2013 și s-a încheiat în 2018, odată cu ultimele activități dedicate
12:11 PM | by MetruCub
Sâmbătă, 16 februarie 2019 10.00 – 17.00 MATER Splaiul Unirii 160, et.1, București Invitat special: Teodora Borghoff Într-un context social
04:21 PM | by MetruCub
Our first international intern, Tina Reis, stayed with us for 3 months of spring in Bucharest. During her internship, Tina
06:21 PM | by MetruCub
In 2013 we traveled to Norway for a study visit dring a mobility program with the aim to discover ways
12:49 PM | by MetruCub
Between February and October 2014, CubicMetre Association – Resources for Culture and the Association for Urban Transition (A.T.U.) have formulated
12:11 PM | by MetruCub
The project Culture in education aims to support the development of cultural programmes with an educational dimension in Romania. We
11:20 AM | by MetruCub
The consortium of CubicMetre Association – resources for culture and the Association for Urban Transition (A.T.U.) will prepare for the
05:59 PM | by MetruCub
We thank all those who helped us develop our projects and explore new ideas in 2012 and 2013: Sintagma Center
05:20 PM | by MetruCub
SNAPSHOTS OF TWO DIFFICULT YEARS (2012-2013) prepared by CubicMetre for the 2013 annual conference of Culture Action Europe in Rome The
08:33 AM | by MetruCub
It’s not just a crisis, it is a transition!’ Culture Action Europe (CAE) announces an innovative two-day international conference about the